Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself

My name is Clarissa and I'm the founder of CNA Humor. I'm a CNA (of course), I work in a nursing home (if you couldn't tell by the memes), and I love my job. I'm 26 years old, married, and I live in Kentucky. I've had a passion for writing ever since I learned to write, but found out quickly that I also loved caring for others. CNA Humor has been the best thing I've done in a long time, because I get to combine my two passions and have had a wonderful time doing it so far. 

When I decided to start the CNA Humor Facebook page, I was really just doing it because I had searched for a CNA related humor page and there weren't any. I wanted to do something funny to make my co-workers laugh, so I started making and collecting memes and such related to situations we frequently run into as CNAs. Just a couple short months later, my little funny page has grown into a network of over 800 followers, and the number grows each time I log in. Every day my mind is blown by the amount of new followers, likes, and shares on CNA Humor. It's wonderful to be able to share a laugh with so many hard-working, compassionate people, and to know that in our field a good sense of humor is a necessary trait to be able to handle the stresses of the job. I'm glad to be able to make so many people laugh and feel like they're part of a caring community of people who are all in the same boat.

With the rapidly growing success of CNA Humor and its accompanying t-shirt shop, I decided to start this blog as a place to share some humorous stories and insights into the life of a CNA. Whether you're a veteran CNA who can add an "Amen" to every anecdote, or you're just starting your CNA training and want to know what you're getting yourself into, I hope that you can find this blog helpful, entertaining, and informative. I also plan to share tips and information relating to our jobs that may not be necessarily funny, but will help us along the way. 

Working as a CNA-- whether in a nursing home, hospital, or other health care facility--can be at alternating times the most rewarding, miserable, hilarious, stressful, fun, and crazy job you've ever had. All I want to do with the CNA Humor network is bring CNAs together to share a good laugh and connect over stories of shared or relatable experiences. I hope you all have a good time reading and sharing the memes and humor I post, and I hope you'll feel free to share your own hilarious stories and ideas as well. 



  1. Thank u so much for creating cna humor

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